Easy Ways to Cook Amazing San Luis Obispo Ribs

Do you love to cook pork ribs? If you love to gorge on juicy pork ribs, you should know the art of cooking it with perfection. Well, there are many ways to cook meaty spare ribs or pork ribs, so that it is not tough to chew but very tender. Whether you have the patience or not, you should always cook the San Luis Obispo Ribs in a slow cooker.

If you ask anyone about the ideal way to cook meat, you will get any kind of answer. Some might suggest cooking the meat by marinating it with dried herb mixture and cooking it slowly on a pan. On the other hand, some might prefer to cook it in the oven. Hence, one would get multiple options for cooking the ribs. With a wide number of choices available, one should choose a recipe that suits their taste bud.


Do you love the taste of smoky flavored ribs? If yes, you can also try this method. All you need to do is to cook the meat on a slow flame and grill it. The temperature must be kept steady. Hence, it’s important to add wood chips and charcoal from time to time to the BBQ grill. Make sure to pamper your pork ribs or meat when you put it on the BBQ. If you want some flavor on the crust, don’t forget to rub some additional spices. If you want, you can glaze the ribs with cider vinegar.

Roast & Grill

Roasting steaks

Do you want the smoky flavor into the ribs? However, if you don’t have enough time to put it on the BBQ grill, you should put it on the oven. The oven is the best platform to cook the ribs slowly. It would make the ribs very juicy, once it is cooked, you can grill it over the burning fire. Glaze the cribs to give it a caramelised look.

 Roast & Broil

What if I don’t have a grill? You might be asking this question number of times. Well, not to worry. You can also enjoy the taste of juicy and tender ribs. Experts will tell you the secret of getting a smoky San Luis Obispo Ribs without a grill. You will need to roast them slowly at a low temperature until it becomes tender. Later on, use a broiler to get a nice crust.

charcoal grill

Braise and Fry

Do you want super tender ribs? The extra crispy ribs can be achieved if you cook it on a flavorful juice so that it becomes tender. Once the juice gets reduced and the meat becomes soft, you can serve it on a plate.

Cooking over a slow fire or roasting the ribs at slow temperature would surely make the pork ribs or lean meat very tender. You can try out any of these hacks to get juicy and flavorful ribs.

San Luis Obispo Ribs Shares the Ways to Perfect the Barbecued Bones

Is there anything more drooling than a perfect plate of racked barbecued bones? Still, you can find more people around the world who fear to grill up a perfect rack. The confusion around the grilling process of the ribs has created this fear in the minds of thousands of home cooks. To tear through this unfounded fear, check the following steps of cooking the ribs. By following these steps blindly, you will be able to cook up the delicious ribs without any trouble.

Peel the Ribs

It is the first step of cooking the ribs. In this stage, you have to peel a membrane called pleura from the backside of the ribs. In most cases, the butchers of San Luis Obispo Ribs themselves remove this piece from the ribs. If it is still there, show some knife work to remove it. Take a meat probe and use it to remove the attached pleura from the bones. Then pull it back to remove it completely.



Add Flavour

Adding flavors to your ribs can be done in different ways. Rubbing the herbs is the first step of that. If you don’t like to use the packaged herbal rubs, check the internet for the barbecue rub recipes. Use your favorite rub on the ribs and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then, add the mop sauce to entrap the moisture inside the meat.

At the time of cooking, rub the meat with your favorite glaze. Always finish your cooking over direct heat. It helps to lock in the delicious goodness of the sauces.

Rib Rack

If you are cooking ribs for your entire family, you should use the rib racks. It keeps the ribs uptight and helps you to cook up to four ribs at the same time. The vertical position ensures that the meat bastes them as well.

2-Step Cooking Method

There are hundreds of different methods of cooking a rib. You can do some research and find the perfect method that suits your cooking style. However, the most time-saving method for barbecuing ribs is the two-step cooking technique. By following this method, you can put the rib racks on the table in about two hours. So, check your priorities first and then start cooking the ribs.

While cooking does not have any hard and fast rules, the above steps can help you to reach the coveted results. Follow the above tips and use your intuitiveness to the fullest. It is the simplest way to cook a perfect dish of BBQ ribs.


San Luis Obispo BBQ Talks about Risk Management Strategies

Do you know the food and beverage industry is one of the most accident-prone ones? In most cases, accidents take place in the kitchen.

However, those are not the ones that we are talking about. We are talking about the accidents that involve your customers and make you spend thousands of dollars each year. It is those types of accidents that a restaurant needs to avoid if it wants to sustain and grow. If you are already facing the problems of accidents, check the following tips and prepare yourself for such future situations.

Train Your Employees Hard

Training your employees properly is the one and only way to ensure that they will be able to handle the situation if necessary. The employees are the building blocks of your San Luis Obispo BBQ restaurant. So, provide them with a regular training session to ensure that they know the steps to be followed if any big accidents do take place.

It is also necessary to train them to handle the firefighting equipment and other necessary devices to fight and control the situation. Fire and other drills will help them to get prepared for such emergencies if and when it’s necessary.

BBQ in Restaurants

Follow the Guidelines

Every country has its own set of guidelines for the restaurants. You must know the guidelines by heart and apply them to your San Luis Obispo Ribs restaurants. The guidelines will give you a proper idea to handle the stressful situation if any emergency occurs. It will also help you to understand the rules of procuring and storing the raw ingredients which in turn will help you in running the restaurant properly.

Follow the Law

Any businesses must follow the law to the tee. Understand that these norms have been tried and tested by the government of your country before making it a law. It will be easier for you to run your restaurant if you follow the laws by heart. The laws are there to help you in running the business properly. So, before starting a business, you need to get all the necessary licenses so that you never get entangled in a legal battle.

Despite all the precautions you take, it is hard to completely avoid accidents. The employees of the restaurants are the most susceptible ones who suffer from injuries due to these accidents. Remember that at the time of forming your restaurant, and try to provide your employees as good a work environment as you possibly can. 

San Luis Obispo BBQ and the Different Kinds of Grills

Summers call for the juicy hamburgers and grilled hot dogs. The sound of sizzling meat is all that is craved from San Luis Obispo BBQ prepared on a hot grill. Why not plan ahead?

Spring brings the news of summer and thus the preparations also begin from then. The ones who had been planning on purchasing a grill for making amazing San Luis Obispo ribs start the process of research from spring itself.

However, there are different types of grills available based on the materials used or the shapes. Following are some of the different types available:

Gas Grills

Outdoor grills are mostly of this type. It uses either propane bottles or natural gas from supply. The gas grills are mostly designed for using propane but can also be swapped to natural gas. There are some individuals who doubt the use of propane or methane but the difference is minor. These frills are best suited for the home chefs who want to fire up the grill fast and want to cook the meal with no hassle of clenaing up the charcoal remnants later. The smoky flavour is not too prominent in this type as there is a small smoker box. A charcoal grill gives a different flavour altogether.

The body is made of Aluminum with one or two burners. With the right kind maintenance, this option serves well when people want to cook up a quick meal of San Luis Obispo BBQ.

Charcoal Grills

Charcoal grill

Using charcoal takes much longer and the taste is better too. The purists always prefer the San Luis Obispo ribs made on charcoal. As charcoal burns at a higher temperature than that of gas, it allows the meat to sear better. However, the time involved is long. Even before starting the cooking process, around 45 minutes is needed to pre – heat and start the coals. Cleaning later on is also a bit of hard work.

Electric Grills

electric grills

These are powered by electricity and the meat gets cooked by heating up the grill plates. The city folks can use it conveniently where there are restrictions on lighting up a fire. With this also, the smoky flavor is lost but it is surely a space saving, time saver option to grill the meats.

Portable Grills

These might run on charcoal or propane. The best feature is the mobility. Outdoor picnics become all the more fun with grilled items right off the grill. As it is portable, so the size gets compromised. Thus, a big batch cannot be prepared at a go.

Whichever may the type be, a slice or piece of meat seared on heat gives it the extra bit of taste undoubtedly.

Popular Restaurants in San Luis Obispo Ribs to Eat and Drink

San Luis Obispo is a city located in the heart of California’s Central Coast region. There are many restaurants where you can enjoy San Luis Obispo ribs and other tasty recipes. In this laid back city in California, you will find a mix of beach culture and the metropolitan sensibilities. The captivating scenic beauty will mesmerize you in many ways.

When it comes to food, you will be spoilt for options. The San Luis Obispo BBQ is worth a try. Irrespective of the restaurants, every barbecue recipe is delicious. In short, there is no reason for you to avoid the barbecued and grilled recipes in this unofficially declared capital of Central coast. Skip the highly overrated restaurants for these below mentioned places. Here are the most popular restaurants in San Luis Obispo to eat and drink.



1. Ember

A new place calls for new food. When it comes to freshly cooked food, Ember is the destination you should head. The kale and sausage pizza defines the restaurant itself. But that’s not the only item here. The fresh cocktails are amazing to end your day after whole day activity.

2. Madonna Inn

Many consider the Madonna Inn to be the only reason for people to visit San Luis Obispo ribs. But if you have other plans, make sure to spend one night at the iconic hotel. Here you will be charmed with the all-pink Silver Bar. Enjoy martinis and drink to your heart’s content. But don’t miss the dinner at their restaurant too.

Madonna Inn Hotel

3. Old San Luis BBQ

If you could penetrate deep into the heart of San Luis Obispo, you will find it a BBQ town. The Old San Luis Obispo BBQ is a place to relax and dine. Not very crowded and the calm atmosphere of the restaurant will give you the ultimate relaxation, all of this amidst the warm and delicious smoke of BBQ.

4. Foremost Wine Co.

The Foremost Wine Ci will give you a long list for wine. The restaurant makes an exception among the rest of the mediocre dining options in the area.

5. Scout Coffee

Scout Coffee is the best place to be for a good and healthy breakfast in the morning. The coffee you get is made out of authentic coffee beans grown in the heart of San Luis Obispo. You will also get tremendous varieties of house-made baked items like pastries and almond croissant.

San Luis Obispo is the best place to hang out during the weekends. But tourists can visit in the prominent seasons too, the gentle atmosphere and friendly people work in favor of your health and mind. Pamper yourself with the best dishes from the amazing food options in restaurants.

Tips to Prepare the Best San Luis Obispo Ribs For Your Next Party

GbrothersinsloSan Luis Obispo ribs are a popular barbecued delicacy which is universally loved. This dish is usually the star of every barbecue party because the guests love this mouth-watering dish. In order to prepare the best barbecued ribs, you need to have a lot of practice.  You can follow the tips mentioned below to get an idea about how you can prepare the best barbecue ribs for your next party.

Purchasing the Right Meat

It is very important that you select the right meat before starting the barbecue. You should make sure that the meat is evenly distributed in the slab of ribs in order to get the best piece of meat. You should not select the meat which has a lot or fat or meat at one end. it is better not to buy ribs which are packed in closed boxes because you cannot check the quality of the meat.

Getting Enough Meat

Before organizing the barbecue party, you need to make sure that you have stocked up on enough meat. You need to arrange for half a slab of meat for each adult who will be attending the party. If you have children who will be attending the party then you need to get ribs for them too.

Removing the Silver Skin

It is very important that you remove the silver colored skin from the meat. If you think that you will not be able to remove the skin yourself, ask the butcher to do it for you.

Marinate the Meat

You need to marinate the ribs properly so that the ribs taste outstanding. After you are done with marinating the ribs, you should put them in the refrigerator.

Pre-cooking the Ribs

Many people like to pre-cook their meat so that they can get soft and succulent ribs. You can pre-cook the ribs by adding them in a pot of water along with apple cider vinegar. You should make it a point to remove the ribs from the pot as soon as it gets tender.

Using Tongs to Flip the Ribs

Since the ribs are very hot, it is advisable to flip the ribs by using a tongs. You might end up burning your hand if you try to flip the ribs with your hand.

Your guests will surely be impressed if they are served delicious San Luis Obispo ribs at a barbecue party.

How Can You Throw the Best San Luis Obispo BBQ Party for Your Guests?


You can organize a San Luis Obispo BBQ party for your friends and surprise them. Barbecue parties are ideal during summer and the guests too feel involved in a barbecue party. If you have never arranged for a barbecue party then you can arrange for a perfect barbecue party by following the tips mentioned below.

Deciding on the Menu

The soul of the barbecue party is the food and hence you will need to decide on the menu beforehand. Usually, the traditional barbecue dishes include ribs, burgers, chicken and sausages. You also need to keep in mind that you might have vegetarian guests and you will also need to include dishes for them in the menu. Many guests might have common food allergies and hence you will need to include food items in the menu accordingly.

Choosing the Appetizers

You need to arrange for appetizers for your guests which they can nibble on while they wait for the food to be prepared. You can include snacks and crisps so that your guests do not starve. If you have guests who love to consume sweets, then you can include ice cream to the menu.

Arranging for Ample Drinks

Since most barbecue parties are arranged during the summer season, you need to make sure that you arrange for ample drinks for all the guests. You can set up counters for cold drinks and you can also include lemonade to the menu. If you want to include liquor you can do so.

Arranging the Cutlery

If you are planning to organize a barbecue party at the backyard then you need to get hold of paper plates and glasses so that your guests can eat and drink in comfort. You also need to make sure that there are ample bins so that the guests can dispose their plates easily.

Sitting Arrangement

You need to make sure that you have ample chairs so that all your guests can sit down while they dine. Even though many guests like to stand and eat, many guests would like to eat comfortably. You need to make sure that all the guests can sit comfortably. 

Pruning the Garden

If you are planning to hose the barbecue party in your garden then you need to make sure that the garden is in a proper condition. You will need to chop the grasses and prune the bushes so that your guests do not have to wade through the grass.

If you follow the above-mentioned tips, then you will be able to organize the best San Luis Obispo BBQ party for your guests.

Amazing Barbecue Dishes For Your Next San Luis Obispo BBQ Party


There are very few people in the world who do not like to consume barbecued dishes. The smoky barbecued dishes are a universal favorite. Summers are ideal for hosting the perfect barbecue parties. All you need is a gang of friends and the barbecue device and you are all ready to have a perfect barbecue party.

The most important feature of any party is the food and barbecue parties too are no exception. You need to make sure that the dishes create a good impression in the minds of your guests while arranging for a San Luis Obispo BBQ party. If you are clueless about which items should be on your menu then you can go through the points mentioned below.


Steaks can steal the heart of almost every individual and hence they are a popular choice during the parties. It is very important that the steaks are prepared properly so that the original flavors come out. A poorly prepared steak can be a disaster and your guests will surely be disappointed. You need to marinate the pieces of meat with salt and pepper before putting them on the grill. You can opt for the Florentine steak or the marinated flank steak or the grilled fajitas.


Burgers are a universal favorite among many. You should refrain yourself from pressing the burgers so that the juiciness of the burgers is not lost. You can opt for double cheese stuffed burger or black bean burgers or Cajun burgers or mint lamb burgers or veggie burgers.

The Pork

You need to decide on the cut of the pork before preparing the dish. You need to prepare the pork on a low flame for a long period of time to make sure the juiciness and tenderness of the meat is obtained. You can include pork ribs or pork chops or grilled pork loin or BBQ pulled pork in your menu.

Hot Dogs

Hot dogs are very common in every barbecue party and are loved by all. You can choose different kinds of buns. While preparing the sausages, you should be careful so that it does not get over cooked or burnt.

Grilled Chicken

If you are serving grilled chicken for your party, you should make sure that the chicken is not overcooked because it tends to get dry. You need to marinate the chicken beforehand so that the juiciness can be obtained. You need to pre-heat the grill before cooking the chicken.

While planning the menu of your San Luis Obispo BBQ party, you should include appetizers, drinks and desserts as well. Since a barbecue party is usually organized during the summer season, you should make sure that you stock up on the drinks.

Organizing the Best San Luis Obispo BBQ Party to Impress Your Guests


By organizing a San Luis Obispo BBQ party for your guests, you can surely impress them. Barbecue parties are very popular because the guests feel involved and the preparation of the dishes is very intriguing. Barbecue parties are the ideal choices if you want to have some fun with your guests in a unique manner. Even though organizing a barbecue party may seem very easy, you need to keep the following points in mind so that you can you can effortlessly organize the party.

Deciding on the Main Course

If you are planning to organize a traditional barbecue party then you can include sausages, ribs, burgers and chicken in the menu. You also need to keep alternative food items for the guests who do not consume meat. In case you have guests who have food allergies, you should prepare separate dishes for them. Usually, most people attend the barbecue parties because of the delicious dishes which are served and so you have to make sure that all the dishes are prepared properly. Since food is the most important element which decides the success of a party, you need give special attention to the menu.

Deciding on the Appetizers or Nibbles

Apart from the main course, you also need to select the appetizers which will be served at the party. While your guests are waiting for the barbecue dishes to get prepared, you can serve them with crisps or ice cream.

Deciding on the Drinks

You need to have a lot of cold drinks at the table to make sure that your guests can get ample options to choose from. Even if you are organizing the barbecue party during the summer season, you can include tea and coffee in your menu for the caffeine addicts.

Stocking up the Cutlery

It is very important to stock up on the plastic plates, napkins, spoons, forks and glasses before the party. You should also make sure that you place many dustbins so that the guests can dispose their plates and napkins easily. You should make sure that you do not place the dustbins very close to the food section to prevent the files from getting attracted.

Preparing the Sitting Arrangement

You need to decide on the sitting arrangements of the guests before the party. If you do not have sufficient chairs and tables, you can rent them easily.

By organizing a San Luis Obispo BBQ party, you can relax with your friends and family members.

Delicious San Luis Obispo BBQ Dishes Which You Should Definitely Try


Barbecued dishes have become very popular during the present times. The barbecued dishes are not only mouth-watering in taste but the procedure of preparing the dishes is also unique. Barbecued items are a popular choice for parties because the guests can also be involved during the preparation of the dishes. If you are planning to organize a San Luis Obispo BBQ party, you should definitely include the delicacies mentioned below.

 Barbequed Ribs

The barbecued ribs id considered to be a mouth-watering dish which finds itself in the menu of most barbecue parties. The ribs should be tender on the inside and be caramelized and crispy on the outside. While cooking the ribs, you should make sure that it is not overcooked because it can spoil the taste of the delicacy. You can understand that the ribs are over cooked if the meat falls off the bone.

Pulled Pork

Another dish which is popular in the barbeque parties is the pulled pork. The meat can be chopped by machine or by hand. You should make sure that the meat is tender and tasty. This mouth-watering dish is a unique blend of smoke, flavor and spices.


It is quite difficult to prepare a brisket because the meat is cut in a unique way. It is very difficult to make the meat tender as it takes a lot of skill to cook this dish perfectly. By pulling the piece of meat, if you observe that it has elasticity, then you can understand that the meat has been cooked to perfection.

Burnt Ends

Burnt ends are a popular delicacy which sells like hot cakes at the San Luis Obispo BBQ restaurants. The ideal burnt ends are crispy and charred.


No barbecue party is complete without coleslaw. The cabbage which is used in preparing the coleslaw should be fresh and crisp. You can make the coleslaw vinegary or sweet depending on your preference. You should not add too much mayonnaise to the coleslaw as it can make the coleslaw runny. While preparing the coleslaw, you should make sure that it complements the meat.

Hush Puppies

The prefect hush puppies should be crispy on the outside and should have a rich corn flavor. If you do not fry the hush puppies properly they will become very greasy. You should also make sure that the hush puppies do not taste like a cupcake.

You can easily host a barbecue party for your guests and surprise them very easily by preparing the above-mentioned delicacies.